
This is the 150th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "vīrusa" means "of the virus" (possessive/genitive form of "vīruss," which means "virus").

Genitive case, used as the object of a preposition.

Pēc vīrusa izslimošanas cilvēks var iegūt imunitāti.

After overcoming the virus, a person may gain immunity.

Genitive case, referring to the subject of the research.

Mēs strādājam pie vīrusa pētījumiem laboratorijā.

We are working on virus research in the laboratory.

Genitive case, indicating possession or characteristic.

Šī vīrusa izplatīšanās ātrums ir ievērojams.

The spread rate of this virus is remarkable.