
This is the 648th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Zāļu" means "herbs" or "medicines" in English, depending on context.

Here, "zāļu" is used as a possessive form meaning "of the garden," related to natural or herbal aspects.

Zāļu vārti aizvērušies vēlā vakarā.

The garden's gates closed late in the evening.

In this example, "zāļu" describes "tea" ("zāļu tēja"), indicating tea made from herbs.

Mamma sagatavoja zāļu tēju, lai palīdzētu dziedēt.

Mother prepared herbal tea to aid healing.

Here, "zāļu" relates to "medicine" ("zāļu kapsulas"), referring to pills meant for medical purposes.

Ēriks rūpīgi salika zāļu kapsulas uz galda.

Eriks carefully placed the medicine capsules on the table.