
This is the 690th most frequent Latvian word.

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The Latvian word "četri" means "four" in English.

The word 'četri' is used in its masculine plural form 'četrus' to indicate the quantity of a masculine plural noun (putnus - birds, accusative case).

Es redzu četrus putnus.

I see four birds.

The word 'četri' is used in its feminine plural form 'četras' to agree with the feminine plural noun (grāmatas - books, nominative case).

Mums ir tikai četras grāmatas par šo tēmu.

We have only four books on this subject.

The word 'četri' is in the feminine declension form 'četrām' in the dative case to specify the time period (stundām - hours).

Viņi atnāks pēc četrām stundām.

They will come in four hours.