
This is the 607th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Īsti" in English means "really," "truly," or "properly."

Here, 'īsti' is used to express uncertainty or partial fulfillment of the verb (not completely understand).

Es īsti nesaprotu, ko jūs domājat.

I don't really understand what you mean.

Here, 'īsti' is used to confirm the precision or exact match of the situation (is it truly this?).

Vai šis ir īsti tas, ko jūs meklējāt?

Is this really what you were looking for?

Here, 'īsti' emphasizes the intensity or genuine nature of the adjective (truly interesting).

Lai tas būtu īsti interesanti, mums jāpieslēdz arī citi cilvēki.

To make it truly interesting, we must involve other people too.