
This is the 229th most frequent Latvian word.

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"Šāda" means "such" or "like this" in English.

Here, 'šāda' is used as an adjective to specify a particular type or category, referring to a situation that is being described as unique or specific.

Šāda situācija nekad iepriekš nav piedzīvota.

Such a situation has never been experienced before.

In this sentence, 'šāda' describes the kind or type of attitude in question, specifying it as a particular example of consideration.

Tekstā bija rakstīts, ka šāda veida attieksme ir nepieņemama.

The text stated that this type of attitude is unacceptable.

'Šāda' is employed to indicate a preferred category or style, showing a direct preference or liking toward a specific kind.

Man patīk šāda veida māksla, tā ir ļoti izteiksmīga.

I like this type of art; it is very expressive.