
This is the 293rd most frequent Lithuanian word.

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To participate.

Dalyvauti is used here to mean 'to participate' in an event, emphasizing being part of an activity or gathering.

Įdomu dalyvauti festivalyje, kuriame dalyvauja įvairios menų grupės.

It's interesting to participate in a festival where various art groups take part.

Dalyvauti in this context means 'to take part' or 'to engage', specifying a requirement or expectation to be present and involved.

Mokiniai turėjo dalyvauti projektų pristatyme.

The students had to take part in the project presentations.

In this sentence, dalyvauti implies 'to engage or participate', and the action was consciously refused, highlighting the choice element in involvement.

Jis atsisakė dalyvauti žaidime, nes nebuvo taisyklių aiškumo.

He refused to participate in the game because of lack of clarity in the rules.