
This is the 700th most frequent Lithuanian word.


"Dešimtmetį" means "decade" in English.

Here 'dešimtmetį' refers to a specific period of time, used in accusative case as part of a prepositional phrase.

Per paskutinį dešimtmetį technologijos labai pažengė.

During the last decade, technology has advanced significantly.

In this sentence, 'dešimtmetį' is tied to an event and serves as a descriptor for a celebrated period, used in accusative case for the context.

Lietuva švenčia savo laisvės dešimtmetį.

Lithuania celebrates its decade of freedom.

The word 'dešimtmetį' is used in accusative case to indicate a duration of time over which the action took place.

Jis dirbo įmonėje dešimtmetį.

He worked at the company for a decade.