
This is the 851st most frequent Lithuanian word.

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The Lithuanian word "kainas" translates to "price" in English.

Here, 'kainas' is not directly used, but the root form 'kainos' is, representing the plural form of 'kaina' which means 'price'.

Šiandienos kainos yra labai aukštos.

Today's prices are very high.

'Kainas' is used here as the plural accusative form of 'kaina', indicating the direct objects 'prices' being observed.

Jis stebi prekių kainas parduotuvėje.

He observes the prices of goods in the store.

'Kainas' is again used as the plural accusative form, showing the action directed to the 'prices' of the books.

Pažiūrėkime į šių knygų kainas.

Let's look at the prices of these books.