
This is the 479th most frequent Lithuanian word.

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The Lithuanian word "kuriam" means "to which" or "in which" (dative or locative case of "kuris").

Here, 'kuriame' is a pronominal form indicating 'in which'. It is derived from 'kuris' applied in locative case to inquire location.

Kuriame mieste tu gyveni?

In which city do you live?

Here, 'kuriame' is the conjugated form of the verb 'kurti', meaning 'to create', in the first person plural present tense.

Mes kuriame naują projektą.

We are creating a new project.

Here, 'kuriame' is a relative pronoun referring to 'the house', indicating 'in which', and placed in the locative case for relative clause narration.

Tai buvo namas, kuriame gyveno mano seneliai.

That was the house in which my grandparents lived.