This is the 135th most frequent Lithuanian word.
The Lithuanian word "kurią" means "which" (feminine singular accusative form).
Here, 'kurią' is the accusative form of the feminine singular interrogative pronoun 'kuri', used to ask about 'which' item; it matches 'knygą', the word for 'book', in gender and case.
Kurią knygą norėtum perskaityti?
Which book would you like to read?
In this example, 'kurią' is a relative pronoun linking the main clause 'tai buvo diena' with the subordinate clause, and matches 'diena' (day) in gender (feminine) and case (accusative).
Tai buvo diena, kurią niekada neužmiršiu.
It was a day that I will never forget.
Here 'kurią' functions as the accusative feminine singular form of the interrogative pronoun 'kuri', specifying the object 'dovaną' (gift) in the sentence.