
This is the 632nd most frequent Lithuanian word.

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"Prienų" is the genitive plural form of "prienas," which is not a standard Lithuanian word. It may be a proper noun, referring to something related to the town of Prienai in Lithuania.

Here, 'Prienų' is used as a proper noun adjective to describe and name 'gatvė' (street).

Prienų gatvė yra labai ilga.

Prienų street is very long.

Here, 'Prienų' is in the genitive case to indicate possession ('of Prienai').

Prienų mieste yra gražus parkas.

In the city of Prienai, there is a beautiful park.

Here, 'Prienų' is in the accusative case to indicate the direction or destination associated with the concert.

Šį savaitgalį vykstame į Prienų koncertą.

This weekend, we are going to a concert in Prienai.