
This is the 26th most frequent Lithuanian word.

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"Tačiau" means "however" or "but" in English.

The word 'tačiau' is used here to express a contrast between the desire to go to the park and the unforeseen obstacle of rain.

Norėjau eiti į parką, tačiau pradėjo lyti.

I wanted to go to the park, but it started raining.

In this sentence, 'tačiau' introduces a statement that contrasts with or adds nuance to the first clause.

Jis yra talentingas muzikantas, tačiau darbas studijose jam nėra lengvas.

He is a talented musician, but working in studios is not easy for him.

Here 'tačiau' serves to introduce a contrasting element, emphasizing the challenge or limitation against the stated fact.

Mokslininkai turi daug teorijų, tačiau jų įrodyti dar nepavyko.

Scientists have many theories, but they have yet to prove them.