
This is the 341st most frequent Lithuanian word.

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The Lithuanian word "įmonių" means "of companies" or "of enterprises" (genitive plural form).

Here, "įmonių" is the genitive plural form of "įmonė" (company), used to indicate possession or association with a group of companies.

Įmonių susivienijimas suteikė naujų galimybių rinkoje.

The union of companies provided new opportunities in the market.

In this context, "įmonių" specifies the scope or domain (companies) affected by the efficiency.

Jų strategijos buvo pritaikytos įmonių veiklos efektyvumui didinti.

Their strategies were tailored to increase the activity efficiency of companies.

Here, "įmonių" is used to describe an attribute or characteristic linked to the companies, showing possession of the decisions.

Ekspertų nuomonės parodė įmonių kryptinių sprendimų sėkmę.

Experts' opinions showed the success of companies' directional decisions.