
This is the 740th most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "бдп" translates to "GDP" (Gross Domestic Product) in English.

In this sentence, БДП (GDP) refers to the Gross Domestic Product, an economic indicator.

БДП на државата растеше со брзо темпо.

The GDP of the country was growing at a fast pace.

Here, БДП is used in an educational context to refer to the concept students are studying.

Учиме за значењето на БДП во економијата.

We are learning about the meaning of GDP in the economy.

In this example, БДП is mentioned in the context of historical economic data to highlight its trend.

Во 2022 година, БДП беше највисок во последната деценија.

In 2022, GDP was the highest in the last decade.