
This is the 565th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Борисов" is a Macedonian surname, often derived from the given name Boris.

The word 'Борисов' represents a proper noun, used as a name of a person, specifically identifying an individual who is participating in an event.

Борисов дојде во градот за конференцијата.

Borisov came to the city for the conference.

In this example, 'Борисов' acts possessively, attributing ownership of a project to the individual named.

Се вели дека проектот на Борисов стекна голем успех низ Европа.

It is said that Borisov's project gained great success across Europe.

Here, 'Борисов' serves as a name cited in an educational context, highlighting a figure relevant to a historical discussion.

Во учебникот по историја, беше спомнат Борисов како важна личност за настанот.

In the history textbook, Borisov was mentioned as an important figure of the event.