
This is the 382nd most frequent Macedonian word.


"Vardar" refers to the Vardar River, the longest river in North Macedonia.

The word 'Вардар' refers to the name of a river, a proper noun in geographic context.

Вардар е најголемата река во Македонија.

Vardar is the largest river in Macedonia.

Here, 'Вардар' is used as the name of a sports team, representing a proper noun in sports context.

Навивачите го бодреа Вардар на стадионот.

The fans cheered for Vardar in the stadium.

In this instance, 'Вардар' is referred to in a historical context, symbolic of the river and its role in the history of the area.

Минатото на Вардар има големо значење за историјата на регионот.

The past of Vardar holds great significance for the region's history.