
This is the 176th most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "венко" translates to "wreath" in English.

Here, 'Венко' is used as a proper noun indicating a person's name.

Венко е име на наш пријател.

Venko is the name of our friend.

Here, 'венок' (similar to 'венко') refers to a wreath, showing its use as a common noun in Macedonian.

На свадбата, невестата носеше прекрасен венок од цвеќиња.

At the wedding, the bride wore a beautiful floral wreath.

Here, 'Венко' again is a proper noun used to designate someone's name.

Нашиот чичко Венко го работи градинарство.

Our uncle Venko works in gardening.