
This is the 101st most frequent Macedonian word.

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Here, 'влада' means 'government' as the ruling body of a country.

Владата донесе нови закони за подобрување на економијата.

The government passed new laws to improve the economy.

Here, 'влада' refers to 'control or governance,' in this context her management skills.

Таа има одлична влада врз своето време и успева да заврши многу работи во денот.

She has excellent governance over her time and manages to accomplish many tasks in the day.

Here, 'влада' is used to symbolize 'mastery or control,' showcasing high proficiency in a skill.

Сликарот постигна совршена влада на техниката на акварел.

The painter achieved perfect mastery of the watercolor technique.