
This is the 187th most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "внатрешни" translates to "internal" or "inner" in English.

In this sentence, 'внатрешни' describes people who belong internally to the group, indicating their membership or inclusion.

Само внатрешни членови на групата можат да учествуваат во дискусијата.

Only internal members of the group can participate in the discussion.

Here, 'внатрешниот' refers to the internal design aspects of the building, emphasizing spatial arrangement within it.

Важен е внатрешниот дизајн на зградата за да се оптимизира просторот.

The interior design of the building is important to optimize the space.

In this context, 'внатрешната' pertains to policies that are internal to the organization, distinguishing them from external policies.

Треба да ја следиме внатрешната политика на компанијата.

We need to follow the internal policy of the company.