
This is the 659th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Годишно" in English means "annually" or "per year."

In this sentence, "годишно" is used as an adverb to describe the frequency or period within a year.

Јас заработувам околу 5000 евра годишно.

I earn around 5000 euros annually.

Here, "годишно" is used as an adverb, modifying the noun "leave" to indicate that it is related to a year.

Слободно време годишно искористувам за патувања.

I use my annual leave for traveling.

In this example, "годишно" functions as an adjective, describing the noun "meeting" to indicate that it occurs once every year.

Ова е втор пат годинава што имаме годишно собрание.

This is the second time this year that we have an annual meeting.