
This is the 286th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Добие" means "to get" or "to receive" in English.

In this context, 'добие' means 'to receive', indicating the act of obtaining something abstract or concrete.

Тој се надеваше дека ќе добие добра вест.

He hoped that he would receive good news.

Here, 'добие' signifies 'to get' or 'to achieve', pointing to earning or achieving something through effort.

Таа работеше напорно за да добие унапредување.

She worked hard to get a promotion.

In this usage, 'добиеш' (a conjugated form of добие) conveys 'to earn', emphasizing a reward or merit.

За да добиеш точка, треба правилно да одговориш на прашањето.

In order to earn a point, you must answer the question correctly.