
This is the 336th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Добијат" means "to get" or "to receive" in English.

Here, 'добијат' means to receive, referring to the act of obtaining grades.

Студентите сакаат да добијат повисоки оценки на испитите.

The students want to receive higher grades on the exams.

In this sentence, 'добијат' means to achieve or gain, referring to obtaining a result of effort.

За да добијат победа, спортистите треба многу да тренираат.

To achieve victory, athletes need to train a lot.

Here, 'добијат' signifies to obtain or acquire, in the context of assistance or support.

Луѓето се надеваат да добијат помош од организацијата.

People hope to receive assistance from the organization.