
This is the 663rd most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "државен" translates to "state" or "national" in English, relating to the state or government.

The word 'државниот' is used here as an adjective to describe the 'museum' as pertaining to the state.

Денес го посети државниот музеј во главниот град.

Today he visited the state museum in the capital.

The word 'државниот' attributes the university to being publicly managed or owned by the state.

На државниот универзитет има многу студенти кои доаѓаат од различни земји.

At the state university, there are many students coming from different countries.

The word 'државен' is used to denote the public or governmental nature of her employment.

Таа е државен службеник и работи во министерството за образование.

She is a state official and works in the Ministry of Education.