
This is the 863rd most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "државниот" translates to "the state" or "the national" in English, often used to describe something belonging to or related to the state/government.

Here, 'државниот' (the state) qualifies 'оркестар' (orchestra), specifying it as an entity organized by the state.

Државниот кралски оркестар ќе настапи вечерва.

The state royal orchestra will perform tonight.

In this sentence, 'државниот' (the state) is used as an adjective describing the governing body, 'парламент' (parliament), linking it to the state.

Новиот закон беше усвоен од државниот парламент.

The new law was adopted by the state parliament.

Here, 'државниот' (the state) is a descriptor for 'секретаријат' (secretariat), indicating its association with state administration.

Тој има работна позиција во државниот секретаријат.

He has a job position in the state secretariat.