
This is the 664th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Жртви" means "victims" in English.

The word 'жртви' is used to refer to people who suffered harm or loss from an event, such as natural disasters.

Жртвите од земјотресот добија помош.

The victims of the earthquake received aid.

Here, 'жртва' is used to indicate a sacrifice or something given up for a purpose. It has been conjugated to fit singular and contextually in the phrase about personal dedication.

За да постигне успех, тој се откажа од удобностите како лична жртва.

To achieve success, he gave up comforts as a personal sacrifice.

In this case, the term 'жртва' is used to describe an offering, commonly in a spiritual or religious context.

Жртвата на боговите беше проследена со свечена церемонија.

The offering to the gods was accompanied by a solemn ceremony.