
This is the 882nd most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Законик" in English means "code of law" or "legal code."

The word 'законик' refers to a legal code or collection of laws governing a state.

Законикот на државата ги штити правата на граѓаните.

The state's code protects the rights of the citizens.

Here, 'законик' is used to signify the legal code that lawyers must comprehend.

Секој адвокат треба да го проучува законикот за да ја разбере легислативата.

Every lawyer should study the code to understand the legislation.

In this case, 'законик' refers to a specific branch of the legal code, such as the criminal code.

Во учебникот за правни студии стоеше дел од кривичниот законик.

In the textbook for legal studies, there was a part of the criminal code.