
This is the 813th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Closing" or "shutdown."

Here, 'затворање' indicates the process of closure related to agreements.

Мора да се работи на затворање на договорите пред крајот на неделата.

Work must be done on the closing of agreements before the end of the week.

Here, 'затворање' is a gerund, describing the action of closing.

Затворањето на прозорецот спречи студениот воздух да влезе во собата.

Closing the window prevented the cold air from entering the room.

In this sentence, 'затворање' serves as a noun, representing the act of closing.

Затворањето на училиштата за време на зимската бура беше неопходно.

The closing of schools during the winter storm was necessary.