
This is the 608th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Зголемува" means "to increase."

Here, 'зголемува' is used to indicate an increase in quantity, typically of countable elements.

Бројот на луѓе на состанокот се зголемува.

The number of people at the meeting is increasing.

In this context, 'зголемува' denotes an active effort to enhance or expand something intangible, like influence or presence.

Компанијата планира да го зголеми своето присуство на пазарот.

The company plans to increase its market presence.

Here, 'зголемува' is applied to financial contexts, implying an increase in monetary resources.

Мора да го зголемам буџетот за следниот проект.

I need to increase the budget for the next project.