
This is the 390th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Имале" means "they had" in English.

This usage of 'имале' illustrates its function as the past tense of 'има', indicating possession or existence in the past in the plural form.

Во минатото, тие имале куќа во планина.

In the past, they had a house in the mountains.

'Имале' here is used to describe a continuous state in the past indicating a good relationship.

Се чини дека тие секогаш имале добар однос.

It seems that they have always had a good relationship.

Here, 'имале' forms part of a question, asking about the state of having or experiencing something in the past.

Дали тие имале проблеми со автомобилот пред поаѓање?

Did they have problems with the car before departing?