
This is the 610th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Инфекција" in Macedonian means "infection" in English.

In this context, 'инфекција' refers to the spread of a contagious disease within a population.

Инфекцијата се прошири брзо низ градот.

The infection spread quickly across the city.

Here, 'инфекција' denotes the transmission or occurrence of diseases, with the focus on medical efforts.

Лекарите работат напорно за да спречат понатамошни инфекции.

Doctors are working hard to prevent further infections.

In this instance, 'инфекција' is used to describe the general concept of illness caused by pathogens.

Добрата хигиена е клучна за избегнување на инфекции.

Good hygiene is crucial for avoiding infections.