
This is the 818th most frequent Macedonian word.

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Here, 'истрага' is used to denote an investigation conducted by police.

Полицијата спроведе долга истрага за да ги открие осомничените.

The police conducted a lengthy investigation to uncover the suspects.

In this sentence, 'истрага' refers to an inquiry or analysis initiated by journalists.

Новинарите започнаа независна истрага за корупцискиот скандал.

The journalists began an independent investigation into the corruption scandal.

'Истрага' in this context signifies the action of investigating carried out by someone for a specific purpose.

Таа го напиша својот извештај врз основа на обемната истрага што ја спроведе.

She wrote her report based on the extensive investigation she conducted.