
This is the 491st most frequent Macedonian word.


The companies.

Noun, plural form of 'компанијата', used to refer to multiple business entities collectively.

Компаниите во нашата област се фокусирани на иновации.

The companies in our area are focused on innovation.

Noun, plural form of 'компанијата', used in a general sense to refer to business enterprises.

Многу е важно компаниите да ги прифатат новите технологии.

It is very important for the companies to embrace new technologies.

Noun, plural form of 'компанијата', indicating active participation by business entities in a group or action.

Сојузот што го формираа компаниите има за цел раст на индустријата.

The alliance formed by the companies aims for industry growth.