
This is the 183rd most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "медиумите" means "the media" in English.

Here, 'медиумите' refers to the collective entities of media outlets that provide news coverage.

Медиумите често известуваат за актуелни настани.

The media often report on current events.

Here, 'медиумите' again refers to media outlets, but its role is being critically examined rather than described.

Учениците ја анализираат улогата на медиумите во општеството.

The students analyze the role of the media in society.

In this context, 'медиум' means a person who claims to communicate with spirits, demonstrating the diversity of meanings for the term.

Детето изучува магија и сонува да стане медиум во иднина.

The child studies magic and dreams of becoming a medium in the future.