
This is the 569th most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "мизрахи" translates to "Mizrahi," referring to Jews from Middle Eastern or North African communities.

The word мизрахи is used as a proper noun, referring to a name.

Мизрахи пее песна од својата култура.

Mizrahi sings a song from their culture.

The word мизрахи is used as an adjective, describing elements associated with Mizrahi culture, often referred to in music.

Во музиката може да се најдат мизрахи елементи.

In music, mizrahi elements can be found.

The word мизрахи is a plural noun, referring to people belonging to Mizrahi culture.

Мизрахи присуствуваат на фестивалот за народна музика.

Mizrahis attend the folk music festival.