
This is the 712th most frequent Macedonian word.

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The word 'надеж' here expresses the concept of hope for a positive change or situation in the future.

Се чувствувам исполнет со надеж за подобра иднина.

I feel filled with hope for a better future.

In this sentence, 'надежта' refers to a mental or emotional state of maintaining optimism against adversity.

Најважно е да не ја изгубиме надежта во тешки времиња.

The most important is not to lose hope during tough times.

Here 'надежта' is used to illustrate the strength and perseverance of an individual's mindset towards hope.

Тој е светол пример на човек кој никогаш не ја губи надежта.

He is a bright example of a person who never loses hope.