
This is the 174th most frequent Macedonian word.

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Used to describe the physical height or magnitude of a quantity.

Нивото на водата во реката е високо.

The water level in the river is high.

Here, 'ниво' is used metaphorically to indicate the quality or standard of accomplishment.

Тоа беше тешка задача, но на крај ја завршивме на високо ниво.

That was a tough task, but we completed it at a high level in the end.

The word 'ниво' here is applied to refer to a degree or stage of proficiency or understanding.

За да ги разбереш овие концепти, треба да имаш напредно ниво на познавање на темата.

To understand these concepts, you need to have an advanced level of knowledge on the topic.