
This is the 103rd most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Отсто" in Macedonian means "percent" or "percentage" in English.

The word 'отсто' is used to denote 'percent' or '%' in quantitative expressions involving percentages.

Тој купи сок со 100% природности.

He bought juice with 100% naturalness.

Here, 'отсто' signifies a percentage value in the context of agreement or consensus.

Неопходно е да имаме деведесет отсто согласност пред да продолжиме.

It is necessary to have ninety percent agreement before proceeding.

In this sentence, 'отсто' is applied to express a specific proportion in experimental results.

Во експериментот, само пет отсто од примероците покажаа позитивен резултат.

In the experiment, only five percent of the samples showed a positive result.