
This is the 681st most frequent Macedonian word.

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Here, 'постигнат' is used as the verb 'постигна' in past tense, meaning 'achieved' to denote completing significant progress.

Тој постигна забележителен напредок во учењето.

He achieved remarkable progress in learning.

In this sentence, 'постигнат' functions as a adjective-like past participle describing the success as 'achieved'.

Успехот кој го постигнат од студентот е причина за честитање.

The success achieved by the student is a reason for congratulations.

Here, 'постигната' is used as a feminine singular form of the past participle to agree with 'целата цел' (the entire goal).

Целата цел што беше постигната ни дава самодоверба за идни проекти.

The entire goal that was achieved gives us confidence for future projects.