
This is the 301st most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Пренесува" means "transfers" or "conveys" in English.

In this sentence, the word 'пренесува' is used to mean 'broadcasts' or 'delivers information' regularly, indicating the action of transmitting material over a medium.

Радиото пренесува вести секој час.

The radio broadcasts news every hour.

Here, 'пренесува' signifies the physical action of transferring or moving items from one location to another, which is a common use of the term.

Тој пренесува книги од еден подрум во друг.

He is transferring books from one basement to another.

In this case, 'пренесува' (used as a noun 'пренесувањето') refers to the metaphorical act of passing down or transmitting intangible elements such as traditions or knowledge between generations.

Пренесувањето на традиции е важно за секое општество.

The transmission of traditions is important for every society.