
This is the 684th most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "рамките" translates to "the frameworks" or "the borders" in English.

Here, 'рамките' refers to the 'boundaries' or 'framework' where an activity takes place, specifically indicating the context of the class.

Оваа книга се чита во рамките на класата.

This book is read within the boundaries of the class.

In this context, 'рамките' denotes the frame or scope within which the project discussion is relevant, specifically within the group.

Тие дискутираа за проект во рамките на групата.

They discussed a project within the group's scope.

Here, 'рамките' refers to the legal boundaries or framework set by the Constitution for defining laws.

Законот е дефиниран во рамките на Уставот.

The law is defined within the framework of the Constitution.