
This is the 918th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Реформи" in English means "reforms."

The word 'реформи' is used here to mean systematic changes or improvements made in the field of education.

Владата најави нови реформи во образованието.

The government announced new reforms in education.

Here, 'реформи' denotes modifications or enhancements proposed for the healthcare system to improve its efficacy.

Политичарите дискутираа за потребата од реформи во здравствениот систем.

The politicians discussed the need for reforms in the healthcare system.

In this context, 'реформи' refers to changes in policies or systems aiming to enhance economic stability and growth.

Земјата спроведува економски реформи за да ја зајакне својата економија.

The country is implementing economic reforms to strengthen its economy.