
This is the 450th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Соопштија" in English means "they announced" or "they reported."

In this sentence, 'соопштија' is used as a reporting verb, indicating that the subject made an announcement or statement regarding the performance.

Соопштија дека настапот ќе биде одложен.

They announced that the performance will be delayed.

Here, 'соопштија' means 'announced' and is used to describe an action of reporting or informing, specifically referring to the journalists presenting the latest report.

Новинарите го соопштија најновиот извештај.

The journalists announced the latest report.

'Соопштија' in this context means 'informed,' showcasing a communicative action where the subject relayed information to the individual.

Тие му соопштија дека е примен на факултет.

They informed him that he was admitted to university.