
This is the 502nd most frequent Macedonian word.

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The Macedonian word "социјална" translates to "social" in English.

The word 'социјална' is used here as an adjective describing interaction, relating to society or social activities.

Социјална интеракција е основа на меѓучовечката комуникација.

Social interaction is the basis of interpersonal communication.

Here, 'социјалната' is used as an adjective referring to policy, involving issues of societal welfare or public concerns.

Социјалната политика има за цел да го поддржува општеството.

The social policy aims to support society.

In this sentence, 'социјално' is an adverb modifying 'active,' describing the manner related to engaging in social activities.

Таа е социјално активна и често учествува во настани.

She is socially active and frequently participates in events.