
This is the 792nd most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Сојуз" in English means "union" or "alliance."

In this sentence, 'сојуз' is used to denote a union or a strong connection, emphasizing a close personal relationship.

Сојузот меѓу двајцата пријатели беше силен.

The union between the two friends was strong.

Here, 'сојуз' represents an alliance, indicating a formal grouping or partnership for political or mutual benefits.

Сојузот на државите е основан за заедничка соработка.

The alliance of states was established for mutual cooperation.

In this case, 'сојуз' refers to a grammatical conjunction, illustrating its function in connecting words or phrases in a sentence.

Граматичкиот сојуз на зборовите прави реченицата коректна.

The grammatical conjunction of words makes the sentence correct.