
This is the 688th most frequent Macedonian word.



In this sentence, 'спречување' is used as a noun referring to the act of preventing something undesirable, in this case, injuries during training.

Спортистите се посветени на спречување на повреди за време на тренинг.

Athletes are dedicated to preventing injuries during training.

Here, 'спречување' is utilized as a noun to denote the act of stopping or controlling the spread of something, specifically the virus.

Спречувањето на ширењето на вирусот е важно за заштита на населението.

Preventing the spread of the virus is crucial for protecting the population.

In this example, 'спречување' signifies the proactive effort or measures taken to avoid violence, highlighting its importance in an educational context.

Учителот истакна дека спречувањето на насилството е еден од најважните цели на училиштето.

The teacher emphasized that preventing violence is one of the school's most important goals.