
This is the 589th most frequent Macedonian word.

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"Тврди" in English means "claims" or "asserts."

Here, 'тврди' functions as a verb meaning 'claims', used to state that someone is asserting a belief.

Тој тврди дека ја видел книгата вчера.

He claims to have seen the book yesterday.

In this sentence, 'тврди' is used to represent an authoritative assertion or conclusion.

Науката тврди дека знаењето значи моќ.

Science asserts that knowledge is power.

'Тврди' here is used in a passive construction to express an unspecified subject making a claim.

Се тврди дека овој прилог е богат со информации.

It is asserted that this supplement is rich with information.