
This is the 811th most frequent Malay word.

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Hektar: Hectare (a unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters).

The word "hektar" is used as a unit of area measurement to describe the size of the plantation.

Sebuah ladang kelapa sawit seluas sepuluh hektar sedang dikembangkan.

A ten-hectare palm oil plantation is being developed.

Here, "hektar" quantifies the agricultural land owned by the farmer.

Petani itu memiliki dua hektar tanah yang ditanami padi.

The farmer owns two hectares of land planted with rice.

In this case, "hektar" indicates the extensive area covered by the forest reserve.

Rezab hutan ini meliputi lebih daripada seribu hektar kawasan.

This forest reserve covers more than a thousand hectares of area.