
This is the 391st most frequent Malay word.

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To carry out or implement.

In this instance, 'melaksanakan' means to deliver or perform a duty or responsibility, highlighting its usage in a professional or instructional context.

Sebagai seorang guru, tugas saya adalah melaksanakan pengajaran berkualiti kepada pelajar.

As a teacher, my duty is to deliver quality teaching to students.

Here, 'melaksanakan' refers to executing or putting into action a strategy, showing its application in an active context.

Pasukan itu berjaya melaksanakan strategi mereka dengan cemerlang sewaktu pertandingan.

The team successfully executed their strategy excellently during the competition.

In this sentence, 'melaksanakan' is used to mean 'to implement or carry out', denoting the execution of a plan or program.

Kerajaan telah melaksanakan program pendidikan baharu untuk sekolah rendah.

The government has implemented a new education program for primary schools.