
This is the 487th most frequent Malay word.

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To kill.

Here 'membunuh' is used to indicate the act of killing someone as an intentional and severe action.

Beliau dituduh membunuh akibat perkelahian itu.

He was accused of killing as a result of the fight.

In this sentence, 'membunuh' refers to eliminating living organisms, applied to a general and non-human context.

Racun itu berpotensi membunuh serangga dalam kebun.

The poison has the potential to kill insects in the garden.

Here, 'membunuh' is figuratively used to denote the harm or destruction caused by ignorance.

Kejahilan boleh dianggap membunuh pelbagai aspek kehidupan.

Ignorance can be considered to kill various aspects of life.