
This is the 867th most frequent Malay word.

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The enforcement or implementation of laws, rules, or regulations.

Here, "penguatkuasaan" refers to the act of enforcing laws and regulations by the authorities.

Penguatkuasaan undang-undang di negara ini semakin diperhebat.

The enforcement of laws in this country is being intensified.

In this context, "penguatkuasaan" pertains to the process of ensuring adherence to safety rules on roads.

Kerajaan telah meningkatkan penguatkuasaan peraturan keselamatan jalan raya.

The government has increased the enforcement of road safety regulations.

Here, the word "penguatkuasaan" is used to describe the enactment of prohibitory policies regarding smoking in shared spaces.

Penguatkuasaan larangan merokok di tempat awam adalah penting untuk kesihatan awam.

The enforcement of the smoking ban in public places is crucial for public health.